Universal filament enclosure - spool locking shaft with ball bearings

Universal filament enclosure - spool locking shaft with ball bearings


Filament enclosure - spool locking shaft with ball bearings 300 x 300 print bed NEW VERSION - since print bearings tests were not that successfully in my case, I replace the printed ones with standard ball bearings - 600042RS (204212). A printed bush/bearing stl file was add in case you do not want to bother to buy the standard ones! DISCLAIMER! Make sure you upload the latest version before you print! Some parts are changed from the 1st update! External circlips added to lock the bearings - two units. Mount first the lower bearing on the Base - Shaft and secure it with the external circlip. Mount the SHAFT (bearing house). Mount the Upper Bearing. Secure it with the circlip. UNTESTED!



