PASCO Dynamics Cart Marker Holder

PASCO Dynamics Cart Marker Holder


The goal for this project is to create a structure that will attach to a PASCO Dynamics Cart and hold a marker that will graze the surface of an adjacent track as the cart moves. This structure is used in a lab called "Paper River Vector Lab", and the procedures are detailed below. Trial I Your car will serve as a ‘boat’. Write a brief statement to explain how the boat's speed can be determined. Your boat will start with all wheels on the paper river. Measure the width of the river and predict how much time is needed for your boat to go directly across the river. Show your data and calculations. Determine the time needed to cross the river when your boat is placed on the edge of the river. Make three trials and record the times. Using the average of your trials, construct a graph showing the position and time for the boat crossing the river. Do you think it will take the boat more or less time to cross the river when the river is flowing? Explain your prediction. Trial II Have a student (hydro engineer) walk slowly at a constant speed, pulling the river along the floor. Measure the time it takes for the boat to cross the flowing river. Make three trials and record the times. Compare the results with your prediction. Using the table from Step 4 and the average of your data from Step 1, construct a graph showing the position and time for the boat crossing the river when the river is flowing. Use a different color for the plot than you did for the boat without the river flowing. Devise a method to measure the speed of the river. Have the hydro engineer pull the river at a constant speed and collect the necessary data.



