Wisconsin Coaster Set
I just designed this up for fun. Had the idea in my head and did it quick. Total printed size is about 320 mm wide x 330 mm length x 6 mm tall , no individual piece is over 220 mm long at widest dimension. Depending on the popularity of this I might do one for each state in the future, make it a set or something. I have modeled in 0.20 mm clearance for the coasters so there should not be any fitting issues SHOULD not...let's be clear on this I haven't had the printer idle long enough to print this. BUT....it should work ;) I don't really see why not. The facts on each coaster are in reference to Wisconsin itself. Some are little known others are well known, the 34.8 million acres is the total area. Gemütlichkeit is our state motto, to us it represents welcoming others as they visit. We are the Badger state not due to the animal (although they are present) it is in reference to our mining heritage and their knickname. Brew City is the knickname for Milwaukee our largest city by population, it used to host 4 of the largest breweries in the United States, unfortunately the only one left is Miller but we take pride in our drinking culture. -55 F is the coldest temp recorded in the state back in the day, that's without windchill. I figured I couldn't do one of these things without including the date we became a state. After all "Wisconsin has been out drinking your state since 1848." ;) To print this thing I would recommend 3 permieters at a light infill maybe 7-10% I doubt you'll need anymore than that. Hopefully someone can print this out before I get around to it! It might be awhile ya know...busy and all.