Multi-material-test door knob
I designed the door knob primarily to try if it is possible to print an object with strength (thread in Nylon), quality surface materials (woodfill and brass fill), good grip (flex98a) and a cheap filling material (PLA). In the "print settings" section, I share my "How To" experiences. As a bonus, the door knob is easily adjustable with respect to outer form. By adjusting some parameters in the FreeCAD spreadsheet, the impression will change significantly. Unfortunately, my MMU broke down during todays firmware upgrade (only sign of life is a lonesome LED flashing inside), so I cannot print the intended item. Instead, the pictures show my pre-print with prominent errors included. Then again it is printed in PETG, Flex98, PLA, woodfill and brassfill, so not all that bad! To print the Nylon and PLA structure part works well (I did testprint the thread part), however, do NOT print Nylon without understanding the risk (it might permanently clog the extruder if left heated even just for a short while).