CR-10S Filament guide system
Everything (3/8" rod, 608 bearing, filament roller guide) is press fit into the printed/created parts. I used an aluminum 3/8" rod from Home Depot, but any metal/alloy 3/8" rod will work fine. The pulley fits onto the rod with some tightness which allows you to adjust it to the proper height so the extruder is pulling filament at the correct angle. For the spool holder above the printer I used the TUSH Ultimate spool holder design and cut a 2x4 and piece of 3/4" plywood to hold it. Through the plywood I drilled a 1/2" hole and press fit the "filament roller guide" into it. I've been using this system for quite some time now and it's working flawlessly, I'm always pulling my filament in straight (+/- 20 deg.) and with minimum pull force. If your printing something quite tall, I'd suggest enforcing the top of the 3/8" rod as it does sway a bit at the top. I tied a string at the top of the rod to my pegboard so the top can't be pulled toward the machine. Happy printing!