Spinning Rod (Fishing Rod) Handle Assembly

Spinning Rod (Fishing Rod) Handle Assembly


I recently had a viewer request the STL files for this design. I modeled it so long ago in TinkerCAD that I didn't even know if I still had the files. So needless to say it's not the most easy to modify collection of files, being that it is all STL based off of TinkerCAD it may be a little difficult to modify for your specific rod. Although not the hardest to do, the only things that will need to be modified from this original would be the insert files. The only non-printed part in this build is a two piece aluminum reel seat traditionally used for a fly rod. If you wanted you could use a complete reel seat and not print the reel seat insert. Reel seat hardware should measure: Cap end: 19 mm diameter hole, Thread Sleeve length: 38.50 mm , Thread sleeve diameter: 14.8-15 mm. If you use a different reel seat and insert set that you have made or bought, be sure to change the overall length of the rod handle when measuring your rod blank for measurements. The reel seat design in this project is 103.50 mm so add or subtract the difference in length of your reel seat to the total 358.5 mm of the completed handle assembly. If you want to see an old build video on this project you can see that here: https://youtu.be/-44kbV0wQgE Mark your rod blank 358.5 mm from the end of the blank (larger end), then measure the diameter of the rod at the 358.5 mm mark and at the largest end. Add about 0.6 mm to the diameter of both of those measurements and model a cone in your favorite CAD program. Import the three "insert" files into cad and stack them as they would be on the rod itself. At that point you can cut away your rod dimensions from all three of the inserts. This should make a cone the correct size of your rod blank throughout all the insert pieces. If you do it this way the outside diameters will stay the same and you will be able to print the flex sleeves without any additional modification. If your rod blank is smaller than what I have used for this design you can create masking tape arbors for spacing. You can use your favorite glue for gluing this project together, I used CA glue on the printed parts and I used a rod handle epoxy for gluing to the blank. If you have any questions please put them down below.



