VR Cooling Fan for Samsung Odyssey WMR
I like to sim racing using VR, however as you might already experience it's hot inside VR Headset, after few minutes you could drip in sweat especially in my tropical country, even with AC on in summer days it's unbeatable heat. Thus I dare my self to come up with ultimate cooling, rather than just blowing a fan into inside VR Headset, I dare myself to mod the VR headset by cutting a hole in the rubber area of Samsung Odyssey WMR, its not advisable as it will ruin the 2nd market price if you try to resell it. But the idea to have ultimate cooling beat my reasonable thinking and it's not disappointing. Once completed and tested I can tell you it's a different experience. But a disclaimer, do it at you own risk. Also the fan sound is not quite (even with the use of PWM motor controller, at higher fan speed) however once you re in the game with all the sound in the headphone or speaker the fan sound is almost noticable (except at very quite environment but then you could adjust the speed of fan with PWM at a lower air flow of course).