Open Yag-E
Open Yag-E is an open source Yag / led laser cutter engraver. I started this to turn my Neje style 1000mw engraver into something useful. This is a build log as well as a place to collaborate. This still has a long way to go but is coming along quickly. I want to mainly cut foam board parts for rc planes.I have done test cuts with it successfully. Now to get the mechanical parts. The frame is based on 2020extrusions standing in as dual duty. They are the frame and the linear rails. The flexibility of this frame should allow it to fit many different use cases. The frame is to be attached to 1/2” (12mm) mdf board. The rail slides are based on my 2020 tram. I plan to use pancake style nema 17 steppers and GRBL for arduino mega to power it. I want to have some safety interlocks and air filtering. I will be including files for fusion 360 (files are in inch not mm at this time) as the parts get ready for release. I will be working on some mounting plates for other laser heads down the road. I do not think this is solid enough for a co2 laser. I will try to include a bom with links as this gets farther along. If you want to help with this please Join the open Yag-E group. Controller board work is at