Anycubic I3 Mega "Filler" Spool Holder adapter

Anycubic I3 Mega "Filler" Spool Holder adapter


I originally printed the Filler Spool Holder for my Ender 3's; a must mod. I was also super happy with the Anycubic I3 Mega Spool Holder I had on my machine. Then I had an idea flash in my head to combined both great designs to make a even better spool holder solution for the Anycubic I3 Mega. This easy to print spool holder will lessen drag of feeding filament and maybe even increase performance of the machine. I have noticed the filament sensor likes this solution as well: retractions were giving it a beating. The "Filler Spool" holder files used with the mounting bracket are: 3DPNFilHoldGuide 3DPNFilHoldRoller You will need "608ZZ 8x22x7 Shielded Greased Miniature Ball Bearings" Link: To secure the bracket to the frame a M3 10-12 mm needed. The bracket does fit tightly, so the M3 may not be necessary.



