Unicorn nightlight battery pack
This is a battery pack for this nefarious night light with one 5mm led that runs with 3 1.5V LR44 batteries. An educated monkey crunches the numbers quite easily, getting an idea that this piece of..nightlight runs only a bit over 1 week with 3 small batteries. My daughter received a pack of 2 of these as a bday present and of course i had to do something about this, (I don't want to spend ludicrous amounts of money for the batteries), so i designed a battery pack for 3 x AAA rechargeable batteries, ~1.2V a piece. Wiring is pretty much no-brainer, use the switch on the positive lead and solder both wires to the original LR44 box terminals. The project was a glorious success, semiflex model provides press-fit very well and holds both box and switch nicely. If you use hot glue for the switch take care not to get any glue to the side of the slide. battery box i used(with diameters): http://www.spelektroniikka.fi/p17982-paristokotelo-3-x-aaa-snap-lock-kansi-batbox45-fi.html slide switch: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2015-Hot-20pcs-5V-0-3-A-Mini-Size-Black-SPDT-Slide-Switch-for-Small-DIY/32264579586.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dm4wfWG Example nightlight(same shape, same item sold in H&M in finland(i think)): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Unicorn-Night-Light-Mini-LED-Mood-Night-Lamp-Cartoon-Toy-Intelligence-Development-White-Colorful-Drop-Shipping/32848735516.html