Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Carpet Slider

Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Carpet Slider


Sometimes the Xiaomi Mi Vacuum has problems to get over the carpet edge. In my case the carpet is about 1.5 cm thick and has a sharp edge. The Xiaomi Mi Vacuum has difficulties to get over this sharp edge. As I recogniced the ground clearance of the Xiaomi Mi Vacuum is about 1 cm and the wheels seem not to get enough grip in their lowest position. So I designed small sliders (0.7 cm thick) to be attached to the bottom of the Xiaomi Mi Vacuum. So now the Xiaomi Mi Vacuum slides on the carped before the wheels reach the edge of the carpet - the wheels are not in the lowest position and the angel to get over the corner is better to get more grip. As you see, I have attached four sliders to my Xiaomi Mi Vacuum (with double sided carpet tape). You have to try out how many sliders and which position is best for your carpet edge. 2019.03.13: Added a lower and smaller model (4mm hight, 22mm diameter)






