Single Edge Safety Razor Blade Holder
*Tips are appreciated and go towards creating new designs* --- Every crafter who is working with single edge safety razor blades knows that they're great for cutting a variety of different materials but sometimes a bit uncomfortable to hold. Especially when cutting through tougher materials such as leather the thin metal safety strip pushes deeply into your finger and hurts after a while. These blade holders are meant to mitigate this problem by offering a more comfortable grip. I have designed three different base thicknesses - small, medium and large. Additionally I have added some features I deemed to improve the functionality of the blade holders, namely knurled sides for improved anti-slip-gripping as well as a finger rest for easier application of pressure while cutting. You can find different combinations of those thicknesses and features here. All blade holders function the same way - the top has a covered slot which is pushed to the side using the side of the blade, then the holder can be slipped over the back / spine of the blade and snap into place, securing the blade. It should work with pretty much all regular single edge safety razor blades. If you have any ideas for improvements, by all means do tell me. While I am pretty happy with some of those versions there's always room for tweaking or different designs. Further information on this project, how I made it, etc. can be found on instructables: I have also made a timelapse video of it printing as well as demonstrating the use of the grips including blade insertion, extraction and cutting various materials on youtube: Truthfully speaking it's the same one as linked in the previews here, but maybe you want to have a direct link and who am I to keep you from it?