Cardboard creation sample

Cardboard creation sample


UPDATE : if you downloaded this before 6pm PST on 10/25/18 you need to re download as one of the washers is not all the way down on the build plate and it will cause issues Some of these are remixes some are my original designs need to make some cardboard items for Halloween and didn't find enough for what i needed uploaded a stl and a objzip so if you find one you like you don't have to print the ones you don't need just open in tinkercad and export only the ones you want the pvc clip is for 3/4 inch pvc the ball is a poker to start holes the grey ribbed rivet has 2 different washers depending on your printers tolerances the pink rivet goes with the orange washer and uses a finishing nail or cotter pin is a washer keeper, you can also just drill a hole lower if you need more compression the purple split and double rivet you just keep adding more blue washers until it's snug ribbed rivit is a remix of 3/4 inch pvc clip is a remix of and



