Simple Couchfoot-Extension

Simple Couchfoot-Extension


This Thing was made for the IKEA couch in my living room so your mileage, with your couch, may vary. This is a simple 2 cm (25/32 in) extension to the foot of a couch - in my case needed so my vacuum-robot could pass under it easily. This Thing comes in two flavors: Just the foot and a foot with a built-in wall-spacer of around 20 cm since my couch kept sliding right against the wall all the time (better for air-circulation behind it ;) ) The foot measures 52 mm (2.04724 in) on the inner diameter and 60 mm (2.3622 in) on the outer diameter. The lift is 20 mm (0.787402 in) with a total height of 30 mm (1.1811 in) * * * You can also find the original model on the [Fusion 360 Hub](



