Art Nouveau Silhouette Pattern

Art Nouveau Silhouette Pattern


This model was based on a wallpaper sample on the Historic New England website. The wallpaper manufacturer is unknown and was probably made between 1900 and 1910. The style of the original wallpaper is Art Nouveau and has a lot of similarity with my previous silhouette pattern. I took the image and edited the image in GIMP and then traced it using the 'Trace Bitmap' function in Inkscape. Then I manually edited the trace to remove all "extraneous" isolated islands. Then I connected all the remaining shapes to each other to ensure that there is connectivity between all pieces and the frame. I have also provided the OpenSCAD source code and Inkscape file. I used OpenSCAD version 2018.09.05 (git 40af343) to render this STL. It would be really cool to see this made using a laser cutter, paper cutter, or CNC so check out the SVG file if you want to make it that way. If you like this design then check out my other "Floral Silhouette Pattern" design with a similar style:







2D Art