Dehumidifier - STUDY

Dehumidifier - STUDY


Dehumidifier - STUDY UPDATE 11 NOV 2018 Explore this options too! 29 OCT 3 An OK print with ASA filament. The filament was on dehumidifier for other 4 hours. (+6 and 4). I remove the Filament Enclosure to ensure that no external mechanical factors affect the printing process. Lesson learned: A Filament enclosure is a great think to have, and on some filament types a requirement, however ensure that is no friction between enclosure and filament spool; ensure the filament exit the enclosure easily! Two spools move different in an enclosure - based on type of material and shape! If ever in doubt, print without an enclosure! I cant say that the dehumidifier is the no 1 reason for the good final print, what can say is that it was helpful! ...and I can say for sure that I will dry any filament prior to use on a print, from now on! 29 OCT 2 A great print with ABS filament (since I have the dehumidifier ... the ABS filament was on "treatment" for 4-5 hours, 60C ), therefore the design is out of the question. CR10, n 0.4, f-abs, n245c, b100c, lh 0.2, if 60%,wt 1mm, tbt 1mm, f 100%, print in enclosed space I will dry more the ASA filament and try again! ...and without the Filament Enclosure. 29 OCT 1 After I dry the filament for more than 5 hours at 60C, I make another print test. The same results! A bad print. I have to take in consideration the fact that may be a different problem. I start a new print with a different filament - ABS, to see the if the problem was not on the design of the part. I have to consider that the Filament enclosure, somehow make harder for the printer do feed the filament... therefore a delamination of the part! Will see! 28 OCT After two unsuccessfully trials with a new filament - fresh from a sealed manufacturer bag, with a silica gel inside... I decide it was time for an upgrade of my printing equipment... welcome my new ex fruit dehumidifier... and fresh 3d Print Filament Dryer! Are a lot of videos on YouTube, therefore I am not going to bother you with assembling and modifications! Thanks to Joe Mike! On a separate print with my HIGH TECH THERMOMETER... I measure the temperature inside of my print enclosure - with a bed of 100C the air temperature was around 70C. I do not record the temperature of the enclosure on that time, however it was over 70C since the bed was set for 110C CR10, n 0.4, f-asa, n245c, b110c, lh 0.2, if 60%,wt 1mm, tbt 1mm, f 0%, print in enclosed space Lesson learned: If the filament it is not dry... does not mater if the rest of the conditions are proper for a good print, final result will be bad! Never assume that fresh from the box means the filament is dry and ready for use!







3D Printing