Prusa MMU 2.0 5 COLOR CALIBRATION Test for i3 MK2, MK2.5, MK2.5s and MK3

Prusa MMU 2.0 5 COLOR CALIBRATION Test for i3 MK2, MK2.5, MK2.5s and MK3


After fiddling with my MMU2 trying to dial in all the filaments without it taking 10 hours was tough. I made this file to quickly (less than an hour) to test first layers, purge block, color bleed and purging strategy. I suggest - Slic3r 1.5 setting for the MMU2, and let her rip. This takes the whole bed. For success of this I have used a direct through PTFE setup on the Hotend to eliminate grinding. This has three different tests - 1. is the one you see in the pic 2. has 8 segments to play with different colors all the way across the bed 3. same as #2 only 2mm thick to allow some infill.



