16x2 character display enclosure with I2C (Fischertechnik and standalone)

16x2 character display enclosure with I2C (Fischertechnik and standalone)


Update 2020-04-21: I made a better 16x2 I2C display here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4301853 Changelog: 2018-10-30: added standalone version without fischertechnik connectors; changed name accordingly A simple enclosure for [this kind of 16x2 hd44780 display](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=1602+16x2+Character+LCD+Display+Module+HD44780+Controller+Blue&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_osacat=0&_odkw=1602+neu+1602+16x2+hd44780+character+lcd+display+module+lcm+blue+blacklight) (others may fit or not) with [I2C interface](https://tronixlabs.com.au/news/tutorial-serial-i2c-backpack-for-hd44780compatible-lcd-modules-with-arduino/) attached at the backside with connectors for the [fischertechnik](https://www.fischertechnik.de/en) construction toy system. To be able to change the I2C address without opening the enclosure, you can optionally add a 4xDIP switch (see images for exact placement). As only 3 switches are needed for the address, you could even use the fourth for a back light switch, I chose mine to be always on, so I just removed the jumper and bridged the two male pins on the I2C board. I use it with the [LiquidCrystal library](https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/LiquidCrystal) for Arduinos. See it in action in this video: https://youtu.be/MyCck4btWzE Please consider leaving a "like" or posting your make as a token of appreciation for my work. Find my other fischertechnik designs [here](https://www.thingiverse.com/juh/designs).



