VACUUM CYCLONE 200X200 PRINT BED 40mm HOSE If you print this project, and you are happy with the final part, do not forget to buy me a roll of filament - in order for me to be able continue to test and improve these projects or to design new ones! If you are not happy with this design or you have problem with your printed parts - send me a message, we will try to fix it together! :) If you do not want or you can't afford to buy me a roll of filament ... its ok, I still hope you enjoy printing my designs! Pace! For a larger version - 4 inches hose see: UPDATE 28 Nov 2018 Since my previous print was bad... delamination and bad print test with new settings for my extruder -, and also some changes of the design. CR10, n 0.4, f-asa, n250c, b110c, lh 0.2, if 20%,wt 2.0mm, tbt 2.0mm, f 0%, print in enclosed space Great print, except for the hose connector bracket - however already change and update the design! New Cyclone House - enlarge the connection bracket in order to avoid delamination during printing without support - see my last print hose connector - some bad surface... just esthetic, nothing structural! 3th NOV 2018 TEST PARTS - OK PRINT IN THINGIVERSE BLUE! CR10, n 0.4, f-abs, n245c, b100c, lh 0.2, if 50%,wt 1.2mm, tbt 1.2mm, f 10%, print in enclosed space I am not happy with this print, print head fan blow in to the cone... a lot of strings. Other than that, a great fit, parts come nice together! Anyway, I made last modifications to the part, BASE 4, make bottom flange thick with 2mm extra, and BASE 5 add some brackets to the bottom flange. 2ND NOV 2018 Change CYCLONE HOUSING - reinforce the front - hose connection, with a ring. 1ST NOV 2 Housing print is done. Design is OK! I am not happy with the final result, during the blackout, the print head make a mark on the print surface, what I removed (using a scraper and hinting hard the bump!!! :) ), however, somehow... I move the entire bed like 0.5mm, my print shift...and the second blackout produce a delamination on my part. Yey! 1 NOV 2018 Add a new BASE 3, with a small variation - to allowed the print without support. See section STUDY ! UPS! 31 OCT 2 I am at the Point of No Return. I pass the 51 % of the print, that means I cant rewind and collect back my filament. Only one way now! Ahead! 31 OCT Bad JUJU... some maintenance on the power lines... two short black out!.. However, I throw some wood in the fire... and my good CR10 start again... and again...print still keep going! 30 OCT I realize that it was a mistake on the design of the BASE,the INSIDE FLANGE, it permit accumulation at the base. The new version let the collected material to go direct in to the bin collector! SORRY! (I am lucky... I start to print the housing first! :) ) TEST FIRST THE HOSE CONNECTION, SEE IF FITS YOUR VACUUM HOSE! DESIGN TO PRINT WITHOUT SUPPORT! :) By Costa