Shower basket (build to your own need)
Created a shower basket to hang over a simple glass shower wall. You need support when printing the basket. I adde manual support so it would be simpler to remove it it did not fill up the entire empty space. Se attached image that show this. I also made a utility hook for a razor and a simple hook but this is optional to print. If you want to custom make your own utility to hang, I added the top part of the hook as an Fusion 360 file. I designed extra hooks to mount if you want an extra basket. I did not try this myself, but I think this might work... Feel free to try this, or comment it you see somehow this will not work. Added two extra hook types. One with a double hook so you can have basket on both sides, and one with a simple hook on the back. Also added a basket that is closed in the bottom if you want a closed basket on the opposite side of the shower. EDIT 17.12.2018: Added a Squeegee hanger EDIT 17.12.2018: Added a basket hook that will fit over glass block showerwalls.