CR10 Ender 3 and Ender 3 Pro Bowden Extruder Spanner Spacer To Prevent Underextrusion
Hej fellow Makers! My newly built and unmodded Ender-3 with its stock extruder had a massive underextrusion problem which maddened me to the bone. No matter how the flowrate in the slicer or printers firmware was set, it always underextruded randomly during prints. Nice first layers, but after a while.. Gosh. I printed a nice extruder knob ( ) on another machine to visualize steppermotors movement. The rotation during the feeding process was steady and flawful. After sleepless nights I figured out the only explaination left was the serrated brass extruder gear itself, not the motor, skips steps while feeding the filament. So the filament cord slips through and is not pressed forcely enough into tube and hotend. Incredibly stupid reason: It turned out the original spring on the bowden extruders arm is just too weak! Thanks to Creality for using qualitative parts at neuralgic points. So I designed a tiny spacer / spanner to fix that problem. Just clip it infront the spring to tension the blank counter wheel inside the extruder and all feeding problems in this regard will be gone hopefully! If it fits too tight (and the motor makes unhealthy noises), just sand or cut it a bit or scale down the stl and print again. It only takes a few minutes to print. To change filaments you have to remove it first, of course. The 2nd version has a rounded top to be easily grabbed, but interferes with an extruder knob. It should also fit similiar MK8-extruders of the CR10-family as well. Enjoy! If you have an improvement proposal please leave a comment. See also Unfortunately necessary: No liability for damage to your device! Use at your own risk.