Terran Federation S4 Pistol (B7)
I knocked ths together in Tinkercad quickly using some great reference photos and info posted here from a gentleman who did some nice scratchbulds: https://www.eagletransporter.com/forum/showthread.php?t=159262 Version 1 had a blocky grip. Version 2 had some refinements to the grip and the button on the side added. Version 3 is spilt for printing and the one I am currently making. I added an emitter disc (which is totally made up and not even an attempt at screen accuracty) as placeholder for something else in future, perhaps a lens backed by an LED. Also carved out some sections of the model to allow for electronics and to springload the trigger, and added some assembly pins and a tab to (hopefully) help with putting everything together. Will post results when I have something completed and further revisions as necessary.