Signature Guide
A signature guide is a low cost, 3D printed assistive writing aid that helps people with low vision, hand tremors, dyslexia or other disabilities to write on a specific spot for purposes such as writing a name, signature, or initials. This design is the size of a standard ID card so it will fit in a wallet and has 5 different boxes of different sizes. We recommend this remix for 3D printing: A version that can be made on a laser cutter has been remixed here: <hr> <table><tr><td><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="" alt="image"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="" alt="image"></a></td> <td><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="" alt="image"></a></td> </tr></table><br> <font color="#404041"><b>Volunteer your 3D printing skills to help people with disabilities in your community!</b><br></font><Br> <font color="#404041">Makers Making Change is an initiative of the Neil Squire Society, a Canadian non-profit that helps people with disabilities.</font><br><br> <font color="#404041">We are committed to creating a network of volunteer makers who support people with disabilities in their communities through 3D printing assistive devices. Check out our library of free, open-source assistive technologies with parts and build instructions.</font> <div><p><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="" alt="makers making change"></a>