Document Book Scanner for Cell Phone
Cell phone document scanner: This is a quick DIY document scanner setup for use with a Cell Phone. I'm scanning old books and manuscripts with it, and it works great. You can use a remote control for your phone camera to take the pictures but its not necessary. There are 3 ways to make this: Use either the 3D printed version with cardboard or 3mm particle board parts; use the laser cut version to make the whole thing or you can combine the two (as I did for this example). If you laser cut the parts, glue the connectors together for strength, then glue them to the side, top and base. IF you use the 3D printed approach, there is only one part to print, its reversible. You just need to cut the base,sides and top from 3mm material. Use an app that allows you to make multi-page pdf files, using your cell phone. I use one called TinyScanner. The two "wings" on the side are unnecessary but are for holding clip on LED lights. You can raise a smaller book or documents to fill the camera frame. A straight piece of plastic can slip through the base at the sides to hold pages flat. If you want to cut the parts and 3D print the connectors, the size of the sides, base and top are: 32x15cm; 42.6x15cm; 15x15 respectively.