Cura Ender 3 Profiles (Dog Profile)

Cura Ender 3 Profiles (Dog Profile)


This is a new Cura profile for the latest version of Cura using the settings found from the 'test-dog.gcode' file. NOTE: I did not make this Dog STL file / 3D model. This is provided on the memory card for the Creality Ender 3 and has been included for anyone who has an Ender 3 but doesn't have this file anymore. NOTE: Since the 'test-dog.gcode' was sliced in an older version of Cura I was unable to simply export this profile into the later version, so I have copied the settings to the best of my knowlege. Some settings might not be exact as quite a lot has changed between versions, but the results appear to be very close if not identical to the original file. To use this profile yourself simply download the 'Dog Profile.curaprofile' and in Cura click the drop down for Profile: and click Manage Profiles.. you can use Import to select the Dog Profile, then it will show under Custom profiles. It's currently setup with supports turned on and brim turned on as this was the default for the Dog to print, just turn off what you don't need and change from brim to skirt depending on what you're printing. I also changed the support stucture from Line support to Zigzag as the Line supports get knocked over to easily. The clear PLA Dog in the photo was printed using the original GCode file that came with the Ender 3. The pink PLA Dog in the photo was printed using the new 'Dog Profile.curaprofile'. As you can see the quality looks very similar. NOTE: The STL that came in the memory card is a little different to the pre-sliced GCode as it's much smaller and has a base on the bottom of it. I printed at 500% size (which turned out to be slightly smaller, I think it's most likely 600% size) and I moved the model down so that the base was below the build plate. **UPDATE 06/11/2018** I've updated the Dog Profile as some people were having issues with Cura resetting the temperatures. I've also added a profile using Creality's recommended settings from the older version of Cura. This has some slight differences to the Dog profile such as much higher retraction rate, but on testing it actual appears to give an even better result than the Dog profile when printing the Test do at the same resolution. Feel free to experiment with both. The orange Dog in the photo was created using the 'Creality Recommended Profile'.







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