Tea apparatus 2000

Tea apparatus 2000


Update: November 5, 2018 I have just updated the source code to Version 1.1. It includes a few Bugfixes. Please download the files again to get the latest release. This is the Tea apparatus 2000, the first robot which I've completely developed and build. The Robot moves the arm with the teabag into the teapot and every two minutes it will remove the teabag and insert it again. In 2017, I've already built a similar robot, but this is able to work with teapots, e.g. the Ikea Riklig teapot. I've used for this project an Arduino Uno with an Stepper Motor and the A4988 Stepper Motor Driver. For moving the teabag, I used an linear guides ball screw spindle, which are used in 3D Printers and CNC Mills. Please send me a Message or leave a comment if you have any questions. The building instructions and the bill of material are included in the download files. If you optimize and/or build this robot, please post it here. You can also have a look at my Website - only avialable in German. https://kilianhofmann.net/tea-apparatus-2000-2/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kilian_hofmann_/






