Brain Slice Holder
For electrophysiology experiments on brain sections, a chamber is needed that has a mesh bottom that can hold the brain sections. This chamber can be lowered into a glass beaker filled with a physiological solution designed to keep the brain slices alive. This design has two parts: Part I is the chamber itself. Part II is a table or a stand for the chamber. Both the parts can be joined with button magnets that will go into the 4 wells on both parts. A tube supplying oxygen can then be wrapped around for aeration. The reason the thing is made in two parts is because the slices need to rest on some kind of mesh at the bottom of the chamber. Therefore, the chamber is printed, and a mesh can be pasted using superglue at the base. After that, the table can be stuck using magnets. I will upload photos in few days once I get a copy made in PLA and acrylic. It is recommended that the design is made in a bio-inert material. Acrylic, Poly carbonate work good. I am yet to try it with PLA. Feel free to change the dimensions for you need.