RaspberryPi Portable Touchscreen Display
RaspberryPi case for use with a MightyBoost+Moteino backup power to make a portable touchscreen display for whatever purpose you need it. Build details here: https://lowpowerlab.com/2018/11/06/portable-raspberrypi-ip-camera-monitor/ I monitor IP camera and home automation interface on this. I added a tripod mount which you can hot/super-glue to any side for tripod mounting or hanging from a shelf/cabinet. Thanks to Adafruit for sharing their design which I used to remix this case from. Print in your favorite material. I was in a hurry and I used PLA for the internal frame and PETG for the outer case, draft settings, and the holes were not perfect. You might have better quality if you print at finer detail. Print the extraTall case version if your battery is really thick.