Shipping Box Maker
Now the homeless can be useful! I keep telling them how they can recycle the cardboard that gets put outside into valuable shipping boxes. Boxes 2CM thick & under can go as regular post so they are cheaper than parcels. Boxes in the post office sell for around $2.00, that's nuts, when cardboard is free. This is the first one and needs a larger print bed, or it could be dismantled and laid out so it can be assembled, that's my next step once I get a home lol. The rounded/filleted edges are the cuts, the chamfers/beveled edges indicate the embosses for folding and the tool for this is included but may need refining still. E-flute corrugated board is nice and gives more interior space, IKEA cabinet boxes are low grade E-flute, so save them. I've reworked everything and tried to fit it on 22x22cm space, but still had to reduce to about 92 percent for the Ultimaker 2+ still a 22+ hr print at best. Axis got lost there somewhere, will look into that some more. I cut some half circles into the bottom so the parts can be matched. Test print has a good fit for the joiners, it could be assembled on a good surface and each connector point could be dabbed with Crazy glue to make it all rigid. Input from lurkers and the silent 99 percent are welcome, come on peeps, do something!