Karve - Board game Insert for Explorers of the North Sea and Rocks of Ruin Expansion

Karve - Board game Insert for Explorers of the North Sea and Rocks of Ruin Expansion


**If you don't have access to a 3D printer, or would like to support my hobby, I have a shop where you can purchase this set. Visit [StoreAllTheBits Online Store](https://www.storeallthebits.com/site/)** **If you do your own 3D printing, but would still like to support my hobby, feel free to buy me a coffee! Visit [Buy Webdad a coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/webdad)** Update: 2021 02 06 - I've uploaded a v3 for the tile holder that is a little taller. No need to reprint, unless your tiles don't quite fit. This set of inserts is designed to store all the pieces for both Explorers of the North Sea and the Rocks of Ruin expansion, in a tightly designed package that lets you store the game in any orientation you desire. In addition, there is space available for the Runesaga components that come with the Rocks of Ruin expansion as well. This set includes the following components: - 1 x Tile Tray - for holding all hex tiles - 1 x Captain's Card and Score Pad Tray - for holding both score pads, all Captain's cards, as well as the first player marker and Runsaga components - 1 x Livestock Tray and Cover - for holding all the chickens, piggies, horses, cows, goats, and sheep - 1 x Settlements and Enemy Ships box - for holding settlements tiles and enemy ship tokens - 5 x Player boxes - for holding all components of each player color - 1 x Rocks of Ruin components box - for holding fortresses and shipwreck tokens All the multi-compartment boxes are equally divided, so no need to pick specific ones for a component. The player boxes and the settlements and enemy ships box are all equally sized, so no special orientation necessary when placing them in the game box. The insert works best when storing both the base game and the expansion, and everything fits within the original box profile (no lid lifting). If you don't have the expansion, I would recommend using additional cardboard or foam in order to prevent contents shifting when storing the game on it's side. Details for packing instructions and foam / spacer sizing (if storing only the base game) can be found on our Karve Tips and Trick page here: [Karve Tips and Tricks](https://www.storeallthebits.com/site/2018/11/10/karve-tips-and-tricks/) For the curious - "Karve" is the name of a type of Norse longship that was used for war as well as transport of livestock and commerce and was able to navigate shallow waters. Seemed appropriate for the theme - [Karve Wiki Entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karve_(ship))



