PixelCube 300x300 CoreXY
Inspired by Tech2c's HyperCube (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1752766), Lehaiver's CoreXY design (https://grabcad.com/library/corexy-frame-v-2-0-1 and https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2138286), Tripple leadscrew design from ROVThijs (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2992515) I adapted this PixelCube to my wishes. Made with 2020 extrusions. This is still a work in progress, will add parts, BOM and text as the build progresses. Design is in Fusion 360 and the current version can be seen on https://a360.co/2UAPsbw (updated) All parts are designed to be printed without support. Update 12-1-2019: Added new render, changed a lot of printable parts, Y-carridge redone because original where not strong enough. Also changed the XY pulley mount so there is more room to move on the X axis. First drawing of the hotend with BL-Touch. Also made the heatbed carridge with only two bars, the heatbed itself is aluminium so strong enough. Also this way there is more room on the Z-axis. Have printed some of the parts and have the basic structure of the printer ready.