Coffee Filter Separator

Coffee Filter Separator


This is a printable version of a coffee filter separator. There are two versions, one that uses rubber bands and one that uses pencil erasers as the filter grabbers. I originally printed both of them in PLA. I found that the pencil eraser version weakened after a while and no longer sprung back to a fully open position. I reprinted it in PETG and am still testing it. ####Update:#### The pencil eraser version is working well printed in PETG. There seems to be little to no weakening. Both the PETG and PLA rubberband version seem to also work well with no weakening. I found that, for me, the best way to use the separator is to grab a side flute of the filter and lift while shaking side-to-side. This breaks the filter loose from the stack and allows grabbing the loose filter. I usually need to push the remaining filters back down into [my container]( after doing this. #### Update 12-6-18 #### modified the pencil eraser picker by tilting the eraser nubs inward by 3 degrees. I found that this allows the eraser tips to pinch better. The update file is [Picker_V12.stl]( #### Update 2-2-18 #### The PLA printed rubberband version is now showing signs of fatigue. It is beginning to crack at the bend areas. The PETG version of both types are still going strong.



