Bow Quiver - 3, 5 and 4 Arrow

Bow Quiver - 3, 5 and 4 Arrow


The small 3 arrow bow quiver should fit 3 X 1.25 inch regular broadheads (2 or 3 blade). The medium 5 arrow bow quiver should fit 5 X 1.25 inch regular broadheads (2 or 3 blade). The large 4 arrow bow quiver is designed with a Bullhead turkey hunting broad-head in mind (which seems to be too large for normal quiver sheaths). It is designed to fit 1 bullhead and 3 other 1.25 inch broad-heads, or 4 regular broad-heads. The 3 designs are meant to be interchangeable, and configurable. Simply unscrew the #8 bolts from the old reused arrows, slide the desired parts on and re-secure. Other things you need for this project: Epoxy (or other strong glue) 2X #8-32 0.75 inch screws (to match the inserts of your arrows) 2X 8 mm arrow shafts (with inserts intact, trimmed if you want; I used old bent aluminum arrows) Thick Foam Pad (I used a gardening kneeling pad, 1 inch thick; for arrow sheath material) ~1/16 inch rubber or foam rubber sheet (for tightening up the dock tolerances) 2X #10-24 round cap screws (for attaching the clip to the bow) Things you might want but don't really need: *2X 1/4-20 bolts (as end-caps if you chose to trim the railed arrow shafts) *4X ~8 mm ID o-rings (for keeping railed items in place) *I used camo duct tape for decor/stealth and UV protection Just want to say that this print has held up now form many years trotting through thick brush and harsh weather. It is actually quite nicely snug with the dovetail connection.



