Graupner Cirrus 75 Canopy Plate
This is the 2mm canopyplate for my Graupner Cirrus 75. I printed it in 2 parts because my effective printbed is max 250mm. I glued it together wit a stroke of 10mm PLA. Its very easy to bend it after you heated it a bit with a hairdryer. Later I will make a mold for the canopy. Maybe theres someone out there who already made a mold for this vintage glider and can make one for me. That would be very nice. This canopy plate does not fit on a Graupner Cirrus 69 model.The original canopy had so many cracks I decided to spraypainted it white. See photo.The original canopy and bottomplate are very heavy. The new one will be extremely light. If you want to add some parts to the plate just use balsa, PLA or whatever parts and glue them with thin CA glue. If you want to make the surface smooth just sand it, use primer/filler for cars and sand it again. After that you spraypaint it. If you want 3 mm or more thickness, just ask and I will post them. Happy flying. 11-nov-2018 124 views 119 downloads