Transformers Headmaster WeirdWolf Sword/Tail

Transformers Headmaster WeirdWolf Sword/Tail


While Headmaster figures are fairly common, they are mostly found these day without any accessories at all. This is a pain but more so when accessories play a large part in one or more of the figures modes. While the Heads are the most common part people want, there are a list of others. Weirdwolf, like fellow Headmaster Skullcruncher, used one of his weapons as a Tail. Without it, he is a stump tailed wolf, with it, he looks far better. In Robot mode, the Tail works as his Sword. Using a couple of photos for reference, this appears to be a pretty good copy of the sword tail and will fit the 5mm connector for the tail as well as his hand holes without any trouble. While Weirdwolf was never-reissued, being a 5mm post, the sword is highly compatible with various transformers and might even fit as a more G1 based replacement for Titan's return Wolfwire.



