ESP12F  (ESP8266) Programmer (OpenSCAD version)

ESP12F (ESP8266) Programmer (OpenSCAD version)


This is an OpenSCAD version of the ESP12F module programmer by ABH_: The preview uses "ESP8266 models" library that I updated this weekend (the needed file is included with this design): This parametric version adapts the size of the 3 parts of the housing to the size of the Pogo pins. I use a shorter version than the ones used by ABH_ so by adding their dimensions to the 'PTypes' vector and changing the 'PINT' index accordingly, the objects are adjusted to the new pins size. Be sure to check that the resulting '*GUIDE*' object is sliced correctly! The included "*_LOP_*" STL files are for the original pins model used by ABH_ (PL75-B1). The "*_SHP_*" STL files are for the (hundreds of) shorter pins I have at home. You need to print one "*_GUIDE*", one "*_INTERNAL*", one "*_EXTERNAL*" and one "*BUTTON*" object. Note that the button size is independent of the pins dimensions. This version also adds access to the Wemos D1 mini Reset button. Follow the assembly instructions provided in the original design. Note that the preview shows that the original ESP12F is still soldered to the Wemos D1 mini board, but you have to desolder it to be able to solder the pins in its place as described in the instructions provided by ABH_... Thanks to ABH_ for this model.






