Thomas Depot replacement door

Thomas Depot replacement door


I purchased a second hand Thomas the Train engine Depot that was missing doors, I measured up an existing door and figured I'd share the work in case someone else needed a replacement! these SHOULD be a direct fit. The only difference is I didn't bother detailing the backside (the side that faces INSIDE the depot) as that wont be seen regularly or easily anyways and makes printing replacements easier. Note that if your printer has issues with overhangs (the shaft/mount support are is a long C channel) then you can turn it upright and print it vertically or at a 45 degree angle, but remember if you do that to use both supports and Internal supports (for the window area) printing it flat you may need to sand the area where it snaps into the depot, or it may crack along the layers, I suggest this when printed in any position as kids are not always gentle to toys! enjoy!







Toys & Games