Anet A8 X Axis Belt Tension System - Minimized for IKEA Lack enclosure
I think this design from [s34n72]( is the best X axis tension system for the Anet A8, but it was too wide to fit in the IKEA Lack enclosure. This is why I made some modifications to make it a lot smaller without disrupting the functionality or strength of the design. Parts: - Knob: Edited to make it a lot smaller. - Block: Original from s34n72. - Puller v2: Original from s34n72. Needed materials (just like the original design): - 2x M5 bolt (length differs per machine) - 2x M5 nut - M4 bolt (< 50mm) - M4 nut - Original Anet A8 M3 bolt (18mm) - Original Anet A8 M3 nut NOTE: In the pictures it looks like the block part is leaning against the whit X-axis block, this is not true. The bolts distribute the force to the metal rods. All credits go to [s34n72]( for designing this.