Multimeter Storage Case with Storage For Two Test Leads

Multimeter Storage Case with Storage For Two Test Leads


This is pretty straightforward, and more or less speaks for itself. A few days back, I saw a multimeter case by swhitl13 (thing 3209712), and I liked the idea very much, as my trusty meter had rattled around "temporarily" in an old ice cream tub for many many years. How many years? Well, I could be wrong, but I suspect I bought the meter in the late 80s from a small store called Maplins. Sadly, Maplins got too big for their own good, moved their focus away from their core customers, and subsequently self-destructed like so many good stores seem to do. Anyway, back to the box. I hope I'm not alone in this, but I have two sets of leads: One set with normal probes teminating the leads, and the other with component lead-clips. I also keep a few old crocodile clips, a spare battery, and fuses (for those annoying times when I forget to put the probes back in the normal position after measuring in the high current range). That little lot was a tight squeeze in the ice cream tub, and every time I took out the meter it usually resulted in the unused leads falling on the floor, and my croc clips and fuses flying all over the place. So, whilst swhitl13's lovely job was a step in the right direction, it wasn't going to meet my needs adequately. So I sat down and draughted one that would, and here it is. I didn't fancy scrabbling around in the depths of the storage well, trying to remove small items, so I created a small lift-out container to accomodate the spare battery and all the odds and ends mentioned earlier. Now, all I need is something to remind me to switch the damn thing off when I put it away! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit 03/01/2019: Increased thickness of the lid as the original was a little too flexible.






