Original Prusa MK2.4 Extruder - Updated
Hey All, This is a remix of Matt's great addition to transform your Prusa MK2/S to a MK3 extruder setup. This goes back to Vecko's great addition as well. When I analyzed the pieces I found that the feed for the filament was off by 1mm. This (in theory) would not feed well. The hobbed pulley would be bending the filament as it passed and it may not load very well. I modified all the parts to move the extruder stepper over 1mm and all accompanying holes and mods were made. Please refer to pictures to see what I am talking about. The idle and bearing/pin were changed as well to accommodate the changes. This should allow for a direct feed for the filament. 11-14-18 As of this post I have not printed it yet but I am and will update to show pictures/completion. Accompanying Noctua cover for the MK2/S with these upgrades can be found here. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3217418 Thanks. Jon