wedding heart cube puzzle
This is not a day-before project, do your project start a month before you need it! Weight 88 gram (complete). Do not sell, check patent situation before. Also, it's uncool to buy 'homemade' things for your girl. Better to make it yourself. There is a mass produced version sold. This is _not_ the production data of the mass production, I'm not the producer. This data has less quality, less precision. This STL data is designed for FDM print and not moulding. How to make: Print as shown, do not rotate in slicer. There is a version with relief for paint and without relief for stickers. core 1 pcs: use the unsplit version. Print without support, inside must not been support material. check for good printbed adhesion. clean the small holes to 3mm diameter. Come with a M3 long screw from outside thru a 3mm hole, insert from inside a M3 nylock nut and pull the nut in position. Do with all 6 nuts. Split version: I do not recommend to print. At outside there is a alignment marker for rotation. Insert nylock nuts first, then glue. mid 6 pcs: no problem. Maybe print with support for inner hole. corner 12 pcs: use the unsplit version. Print with support! edge 8 pcs: check for good printbed adhesion. Print one piece per time. Maybe it will dissolve from printbed because of small footprint. After 5mm print, stabilize additionally with glue. If more problems, print the first 10mm with support material. Clean all pieces from blobs and sharp edges. Sandpaper it. Final assembly: Lubrificate the mid with vaseline, inside only. screw 4 mid around the corner sphere. Assemble a square on your tabletop (face side to table): 4 edge, 4 corner, 1 mid with screw. Put the core into, close the screw from underside. Put into 4 corner. Assemble annother square on tabletop, add from top. Close all 6 screws to end. Cube will be blocked then. Open 1/2 turn to all screws and check if work. If required open 1/4 turn to all screws and so on. Paint it, or sticker it. I have added dxf raw files for stickers, but I cannot work with dxf files. Lubrificate with vaseline. how to generate from Openscad: Select one of the pieces and render [F6]. Render takes 10 minutes each. Export/import STL to slicer, split all pieces. Delete the unneeded pieces and particles around. Stichpunkte für die Rede des Schwiegervaters zur Hochzeitsfeier: - Liebe ist ein Rätsel, das man nicht leicht versteht. Die es nicht verstehen, für die ist es langweilig. - Liebe braucht Geduld - Liebe ist tägliche Arbeit - Liebe fängt immer wieder neu an - Liebe muß beweglich sein. Sind die Teile zu fest aneinander geschraubt, erfüllt es seine Aufgaben nicht. - Liebe muß sich treu sein. Wenn ein Teil weg geht, fällt alles auseinander. - Liebe hat einen Kern, der verborgen ist. Was die Liebenden miteinander absprechen, geht niemand etwas an. - Liebe hat viele Seiten. Manchmal rosa, manchmal farblos. Wenn man von der anderen Seite schaut, ist aber gleichzeitig Farbe da. - Wenn man sinnlos mit der Liebe spielt, bringt man sie in Unordnung und braucht viel Geduld um sie wieder zu ordnen. - Liebe ist der Dienst am Anderen. Kein Teil hat Priorität, alle Teile müssen kooperieren, damit der Sinn erfüllt wird. Nicht ICH bin wichtig, wichtig ist daß der Andere nicht kaputtgeht. Key words for the speech of the father-in-law to the wedding party: - Love is a puzzle that is not easily understood. They do not understand it, it's boring for them. - Love needs patience - Love is daily work - Love always starts again - Love has to be mobile. If the parts are screwed together too tightly, it does not fulfill its tasks. - Love must be faithful. When a part goes away, everything falls apart. - Love has a core that is hidden. What the lovers agree with each other, nobody cares. - Love has many sides. Sometimes pink, sometimes colorless. If you look from the other side, but there is color at the same time. - If you play meaningless with love, you bring them into disarray and need a lot of patience to rearrange them. - Love is the service to the the other. No part has priority, all parts have to cooperate, so that the sense is fulfilled. Not ME is important. Important is to look to the other, the other must not be damaged. twin project: