Candlestick Telephone for Alexa Echo Dot
Modeled after a 1915 candlestick phone. Early versions had no dial because you just lifted the earpiece and clicked the lever a few times to get the attention of the operator and told her the number or person you wanted to speak to. This is a fairly good representation of a 1915 candlestick phone that hides a Alexa Echo Dot Gen.2 in it's mouthpiece. This is sort of a remix of my own Echo Dot Microphone. Most of the parts are very similar. Easy to print and assemble and looks fairly good sitting on your desk or counter. I'll start with the parts. The top piece, the receiver, is included in a single part, BUT, and this is a big but, I had a lot of difficulty printing it that way, so I broke it into three pieces that print easily and are assembled with CA glue, then painted. This was something I elected to do after I already had everything done, I wanted to make this an easy print. So I cut the receiver into the three parts. The hole in the pipe mount and the other parts will not quite match up INSIDE, but you cannot tell form the outside once they are all assembled and glued, and the hole is oversize anyway since the only thing it's for is the USB cable. Pre Assembly chores. 1. Pipe needs to be cut to length of about 120mm or so. Suit yourself here. The length can be altered later as the entire assembly comes apart readily. A. Cut a notch of about 20mm at one end of the pipe. (see provided photos for clarification. B. Drill a 5 to 6mm hole (7/32) or so 50mm (2 inches) from the opposite end of the notch and at a 90 degree angle to the notch. This hole is for the earpiece hanger. Too low and the look is not "right", too high is much more preferable to too low, and the 90 degree hole is not set in stone as there is quite a bit of play and adjustment at assembly time. The notch is for the USB cord to exit the lower end and out the phone base to the rear easily. C. Next is to acquire any old type of round cable, cord, small rope or what have you to use for the wire from the base to the earpiece. Long enough to look "real". Black should be the color, but again, your preference. D. Cut, file, Dremel, two slots in the bottom of the Dome. They should be next to each other. These are used for the line outs for the USB cable and the line from the earpiece to the phone base. Paint and final finish are totally up to you as these phones were normally made with wood and brass. Sometimes painted to match interiors (depending upon how influential you were! LOL!) So suit yourself! AND - NO, this phone did NOT have a dial in it's base. You never know I might work on another base and plate for this WITH a dial. Maybe. Not sure anyone would want one. Comment if you do! Assembly: After trial fit and finish painting. 1. All three of these pieces must be assembled, glued, finished (to your preferences), before the echo dot is inserted. Once all three parts are together and you are happy with them, THEN insert the Echo Dot into the finished piece. 2. Next is the pipe. I used 3/4 inch sprinkler pipe. Those in the UK might find some 34mm electrical plastic pipe. This needs the non slotted end nearest to the receiver and the USB plug out the slotted end. 3. Now feed the free USB plug end through the Dome.. 4. Go back to the receiver and insert your Echo Dot into the opening, leaving the lighted part to the outside. Controls are all available in this little prop! Now plug the USB cable into the Dot through the pipe opening. Ensure the cable is seated and that the Dot works. 5. Place this atop the pipe and press it in place so that the two pieces now become one and the one end is the mouthpiece/receiver and the other end is the slotted end of the pipe. The "hole" for the earpiece hanger "should" be on the right side at 90 degrees to the mouthpiece/receiver so that when that piece is inserted into the pipe it will be at the correct angle and look "right". 6. Now slide the pipe into the Dome only a small distance. Don't scratch that paint! 7. The Pipe/Dome assembly is now ready to attach to the base plate once the earpiece wire/cord is in place and fixed inside the dome. This can be done in a thousand ways and all of them are right. Not going to tell you how you need to do it, you decide and then just do it. Everything and anything can be done and it can all be undone! 8. Once the earpiece wire/cord is secure then attach the Dome over the base p[late and press it down into place. Make sure your USB cable is in the slot and that the slot matches the slot in the base plate, press the pipe in place. 9. Now press the earpiece holder dowel end into the hole in the pipe and press it to fit. The earpiece hangs on this fairly easily. Should be all done. Everything should have been test fit before final assembly, so you should know how everything goes. When painted and assembled correctly this makes a great prop for the Alexa Echo Dot. If you like it, please like it!