Reef-Pi Server and Pump Enclosure
This is an enclosure for my [Reef-Pi Build]( It is broken into four pieces to fit onto my MP Select Mini Printer so it needs to have the 2 top pieces and 2 bottom pieces slotted and then glued together. There are two options: * Use the first four files make a box that includes feet for only the Raspberry Pi and holes for two 12v peristaltic pump motors. * Use the last four files make a box that includes feet for * a Raspberry Pi, a L298N (pump controller) * a PCA9685 board (lighting controller + pumps) * a 20mm x 80mm circuit board (input power circuits for lighting and pumps) * the space for to 12v pump motors. * additional vent holes to help with cooling. * One more option for replacing the pumps with 8 5.2mm plug connectors instead I used the build guide for the lighting from [the Reef-Pi Build Guide]( and the fritzing diagram from [this Hackster 4 Wheel Drive car]( to setup the pumps. *Note: I cut / drilled holes for the additional lighting and power outlets because I wasn't sure where they would line up. It would be better to have those items built into the design in future iterations.*