Filament Drybox O-Ring Bowden bulkhead FeedThru

Filament Drybox O-Ring Bowden bulkhead FeedThru


For other Prusa MMU stuff: I have used a lot of bowden style feed-throughs that use purchased parts. These can have small outlets which drag on filament. I wanted something removable and simple. This should seal well, as well, though it is not the point. It has a 22mm flat to get a wrench on, doesn't use an o-ring under the large surface area (debur your holes!). ***You need to have some Metric O-rings 3.8 x 1.9mm P4. The o-rings are pennies each and cheaper than the cheapest receptacles. They do not chew up bowden ends, either. By request, I added another inner piece. This one is for 5mm Bowden, usiong a "P5" o-ring, 4.8mm ID, 1.8 mm cross section The orings which you push in from the ends provide enough friction to hold the bowden tube while allowing you to slip them in at out as needed. There are two o-ring grooves, but you only need to use one. The second makes it more secure and marginally more air tight. If there is interest. I can post a thicker version to print your own TPU face seals. There are already "adjust to fit" rigid solutions out there. Special thanks to Ruud - the original designer - for sharing his designs and making them accessible. Note: I printed them with a Prusa MMU in "Deplete" mode, so lots of non-functional color changes. You should be able to download the design - it's rough! - at Use with



