Custom 3D Printer Dampener Foot
A very simple, customizable replacement foot that I quickly created for my Tevo Tornado printer. These are intended to be printed with TPU/Flex material to dampen vibrations but they can easily be customized and used for different applications. I just wanted a quick fix, without the need to order additional parts (like rubber balls or whatever) so I created these. I'm currently using `Foot 44x32x25 M5x12 S0.7 CH1.5 Spherical.stl` on my Tornado. Simply print these 4 times, unscrew the original ones, add a washer to the replacement parts and screw them on (stock screw can be used). Feel free to use the Customizer to create your own versions. The other STL files I provided are examples, all settings are part of the file name so you know where to start if you use the Customizer: * *`foot_dimensions = [40, 25, 20]:`* `40x25x20` [x,y,h] mm base dimensions * *`screw_dimensions = [5.5,10,7.5]:`* Fitting `M5x12` screw, values: diameter screw, diameter screw head, screw length (part inside the foot, remainder sticking out). * *`foot_scale = .6:`* `S6` scale % of the foot tips where 0 is a sharp edge and 1 are the biggest possible dimensions * *`foot_scale_tip = [.2, .2]:`* `ST0.2,0.2` foot tip scale [x,y]% * *`mode_diamond = true:`* `Diamond` style (square if not given) * *`mode_cross = false:`* `Cross` style (single diamond shape if not given) * *`fillets = true:`* `Rounded` shape (edged shape if not given)' * *`cutout_diameter = 10:`* `C10` a 10mm spherical cutout is added. * *`cutout_height = 4:`* `C4` a 4mm flat top shave off cutout is added. All files use `resolution = 50` and `resolution_slices = 25`.