Max's Wallet Holder Thing

Max's Wallet Holder Thing


Update 01/15/2021: I am really sorry to say that I've been forced to remove my designs from here - sadly, it has been nothing but headaches - I have been fighting IP theft non-stop and I can't think of a better way of handling this. I've had to start two legal actions against people attempting to mass-produce my designs and I'm just not having it anymore. In the meantime, you can still buy this @ - Thank you to the community for the feedback and encouragement - hopefully this will change soon! Max. NOTE! --- PLEASE READ!--- I carry a VERY SLIM minimalist wallet. The 'mouth' of the "long" version of this design is 80W x 33H x 80D mm, the 'short' one is 80W x 33H x 60D. You might want to measure your wallet first and adjust your X/Y/Z to accommodate to your own :) Also, the 'notches' on the hooks are intentional and they're meant to separate keys or whatever else you want to hang so they don't all clump up together and get tangled. Keys, Sunglasses, wallet, phone, watch, tags, cap... keep forgetting one of those on my way out and I was tired of it... what if there was one place to put those things so I don't need to be looking for them? My wife was also nice enough to always find them and put them in some 'obvious' (or not so obvious) place... still, now they have a home! Now I just need to train myself to put them in there :D As always, please share your makes, thoughts, comments and ideas for improvement!






