Xinkebot Bondtech BMG Mosquito or e3D V6 adapter
IMPORTANT: if you use the double fan duct included here instead of the stock single, you MUST attach a small object to the left of the fan housing to actuate the X-limit switch (see picture where I taped a double-stacked popsicle stick indicated with a green arrow). Also important: you will have to update the Chitu g-code saved to the EEPROM since the Bondtech has a 3:1 gear ratio, and the Xinkebot stock extruder is 1:1. Just open the firmware gcode file and find M8011 and change the value as follows (the line should look like this: M8011 S0.00236 The files are updated and revised -- all fits nicely now. This is an adapter which screws to the Xinkebot quick-change plate that holds the extruder and hotend, the groovemount hotend clamp, the goalpost-shaped bracket for mounting the Xinkebot electronic interface (optional heat-sert version included), and an improved dual-fan cooling duct. This will allow you to put a single Bondtech BMG extruder with a Mosquito hotend (or e3D V6) on your Xinkebot Orca 2 Cygnus printer. I do not have a dual-extruder version. You will need: -Bondtech BMG extruder -Mosquito hotend (will also work with e3D V6) -groovemount adapter for Mosquito (you may need spacers here, I used a couple of M3 nuts) -Bowden adapter for the Bondtech BMG -a short piece of PTFE tubing to go from the extruder to the hotend, 62 mm long -extra fan for the fan shroud (24V) : For assembly, you can follow the directions found at the Xinkebot Flexion adapter I designed that this is remixed from. If you are building a new extruder, rather than cannibalizing the stock extruder, you will need some additional parts: -the quick change plate magnet mount which you can buy from Xinkebot -a female DB-25 breakout connector like this one: Though last I looked, these were no longer available. You may be able to use one of the other models, but may need to extend the height of the mount (ask me if you need the CAD file). -the spacer between the goal post part and the DB-25 connector "ElectronicsBracket.stl" -the extruder motor. This you can get from Xinkebot, or ask them what the specs are. Speaking from experience, it's best just to get them directly from Xinkebot. Be sure to order everything you need from them at once because shipping is expensive!