Plane COG Balancer
EDIT 14/12/2018 : Version 3 loaded and old comments removed. Version 2 still available. Another plane balancer to find and adjust the center of gravity. All assembly made with 6mm diameter rods (carbon, steell, whatever) some parts have 6.1mm holes to allow gentle slide. Rulers marks are not 3D printed to get better accuracy via a simple paper printing. For good accuracy, a load wagon is included, with : - a tank for a load that will balance the whole tool when empty - a platform for a load that helps stability when models have a natural COG placed higher than the tool COG. Version 3: Rond pieces with excentric are ment to allow perfect zeroing of the wing angle. Front nuts made lighter include a stop part for wing leading edge. Addition of a load wagon also visible at Version 2: 2 triangles are ment to slide in the front nuts to allow perfect zeroing of the wing angle. One would better secure them with a tiny wire. Front nuts should be equiped with a small 6mm vertical rod as wing leading edge stop part.