GE Color Effects Mounting Brackets - G-28 & G-35

GE Color Effects Mounting Brackets - G-28 & G-35


My wife needed new mounting brackets for our Christmas lights this year, so I modeled a couple to try. There are two versions: One is based on the original mounting bracket that came with the light, and the other has slightly beefier clips. If you orient the original mounting bracket flat on your print bed, then the clips will want to break off easier. You can try printing them on edge to see if they're stronger, but I chose to simply beef them up instead. Hence the "Beefy" version. According to GE, the mounting bracket is good for G-28 and G-35 Color Effect LED Light strings. UPDATE (2018-11-27): It worked! I mean...I knew it would. So, I used Beefy V2.stl, and I didn't have to do anything to them to make them work. (See Photos) I will leave the original, but recommend the beefy one for FDM printing. I would still love to see if the original works on an SLA printer. Let me know if you try! UPDATE (2018-11-20): Added a second "Beefy" (Beefy - v2.stl) mount that has more clearance under the clips, and a slightly larger center hole. For me the hole was too small for the screws I use. And the overhangs on the clips are a little messy because of the supports, so increasing the gap was easier than filing all of them down :-p I've also included the STEP file in case you want to make it your own :)



