Vorpal Hexapod Grip Arm
This is an add-on accessory for the totally awesome Vorpal Hexapod, If you haven't seen that yet, then this thing won't make sense, so visit there first: * [Thing 2513566: Vorpal the Hexapod](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2513566) I made this all open source and respectfully ask you to consider supporting the project. We successfully funded on Kickstarter with hundreds of kits sold, and now we have our own store. We have more than just the Hexapod electronics, we have all kinds of things useful for small robotics and other projects: [Vorpal Robotics Store with Hexapod Kits](http://store.vorpalrobotics.com) + IMPORTANT: Sign up for our newsletter for new products and notification of improvements: [Vorpal Store Newsletter List](http://eepurl.com/dcJCgr) Here is a very short video showing the grip arm in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnJ6JeqtUys&rel=0 Why do I need this for the Hexapod? ------------------------------------------------ This is a Grip Arm that allows the hexapod to pick up modest sized items (recommended limit: 100 grams). It can move up and down, and it can open and close a claw to clamp on items. It uses two micro servos. This is fully integrated in the Vorpal Hexapod software. It can be controlled from the gamepad and it can also be controlled from Scratch programs. Where Can I get the Electronics and Other Parts? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an open source project and you can look at our assembly page (see below for links) for the bill of materials. We respectfully ask you to consider purchasing a convenient kit from us, or any of the parts you might have trouble finding. Our store page for this kit is here: [Grip Arm Kits](https://vorpal-robotics-store.myshopify.com/products/hexapod-grip-arm-kit) How Do I Assemble This and Attach it to the Hexapod? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete assembly instructions are on our wiki: [Grip Arm Wiki Page](http://vorpalrobotics.com/wiki/index.php/Hexapod_Grip_Arm)